Two DC Schools Featured
January 14, 2019

Graham provided windows for two historic Washington, D.C., schools featured in a recent School Construction News article. Article can be read in its entirety HERE
MacFarland Middle School and Murch Elementary School are both historic buildings that were in need of modernization. Preserving some of the historic building features as required by the Historic Preservation Office proved to be a challenge to the design team.
Graham supplied 755 Series S6500 windows for MacFarland Middle School, and Murch Elementary School used 142 Series S2200 self-balanced, double hung windows and 26 Series S1400 fixed windows. All windows were glazed with high performance low-e insulating glass.
Once again, we are proud to have been part of helping to preserve these historic schools in our nation’s capital.
To find out more about the Graham window and door products used on this project, contact Bruce Croak, Graham’s marketing manager.